Vitamin BIO Tablets
Yes, my selection of tablet containers does look like I have opened a Pharmacy.
When, we made the decision to go it alone we found a privet clinic near Munich by the name of Dr Irene Zandanel.
There were two parts to the treatment:
1, A blood infusion to pump up the blood.
2, Lots of natural vitamin tablets to boost the bodies organs. ( No Chemicals )
The infusions were quarterly, based on results from a full blood test.
Supplemented by a daily intake of tablets.
I also took 2 courses of 6 tablets to kill parasites’ plus a monthly cleaner.
Dr Zandanel was very focused on finding the original cause of the Cancer.
Dr Zandanel’s theory was that cancer is actually a “Parasite” and based her theory on the
Russian Professor Tamara Lebedewa.